Upstate Elevator CBD/CBDA/CBG Capsules

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Upstate Elevator CBD/CBDA/CBG Capsules



Upstate Elevator’s new 75mg Full Spectrum 1:1:1 CBG + CBD + CBDA capsules are ideal for putting the workday behind you, movie night chill outs, or rebalancing your karmic checkbook.

  • 25mg CBD, 25mg CBG, 25mg CBDA
  • 30 capsules per bottle

Three powerful hemp plant extracts work in harmony to balance the endocannabinoid system.

CBD— The hemp extract you know and love.

CBDA—The lesser known, more “raw” hemp extract found in the plant’s fresh flower. CBDA has been shown to be more bioavailable than CBD, meaning its’ absorbed by the body faster.

CBG— Dubbed “The Mother of all Cannabinoids” Cannabigerol or CBG plays a pivotal role in the synthesis of all the other cannabinoids within the hemp plant.